- David Leonhardt's big-picture look at the state of the economy correctly points out that "the unemployed" comprises a largely stable group of people. This should concern Democrats, Andrew Sabl points out, because unlike the mass of unemployed people during the 1981 recession -- whom the Reagan administration completely ignored -- those in the current recession are part of the Democratic base.
- The developers of the Cordoba House Muslim community center have rejected Gov. David Paterson's proposal to relocate the center, saying that "this has always been about serving Lower Manhattan." Good. It makes no sense to give differential treatment to one religious group because ignorant and bigoted xenophobes are willing to exploit fear for electoral gain. To succumb to their paranoid vision of America is, frankly, cowardice.
- "The contempt for ordinary Americans displayed by the ruling class is reaching critical mass. There may never have been a time in American history when the governing, academic, cultural, and media elites have been more manifestly disdainful of the country’s values, traditions, principles, and people." So begins another populist rant at The Corner. Notice the certainty of this statement. Liberals are nothing less than an alien presence and soon, I assume, will be expunged by the righteous rage of real Americans.
- Remainders: The Washington Post misleads its readers about Social Security's solvency; Gallup calls 50 percent presidential approval the magic number, which isn't actually true; border residents aren't feeling the fear of illegal immigration; the U.S. Census finishes under budget; a bare majority still holds George Bush responsible for the state of the economy; I think it's time we seriously consider adding Rick Santorum to Paul's 2012 rogue's gallery; and where's the libertarian boldness for privatizing our national parks?
-- Mori Dinauer