Notes from all over on campaign '08:
- Mitt Romney tells an audience in Marshalltown: "You probably don't have a lot of immigrants legally" in Iowa, potentially offending the state's growing Hispanic population.
- Ron Paul raises more than $2 million online by 2 p.m. today en route to trying to best Romney's campaign 2008 one-day record offline /online haul of $3.1 million. "This is more than any Republican has ever raised online in one day!" crows the Paul campaign in a release. UPDATE: The Post has the online haul at $1.8 million by 2 p.m.; the total online-offline for the day is already at $2.6 million as of 5:30. Guy Fawkes would be proud.
- Gloria Feldt compares the process of learning to talk about a female presidential candidate to the desensitization process educators use in sex ed classes.
- Hillary Clinton releases her Powering America's Future energy and climate crisis plan. Early buzz is that it is, like her health care plan, comprehensive and impressive.
- John Edwards gives a tough speech on Iran, calling for a repudiation of "a radical new neoconservative doctrine" of "preventive war" and calling out "the neocon warmongers."
- The Clinton campaign posts pictures on Flickr of Bill Clinton at a supporter's house watching his wife during last week's debate. How'd she do? Check out the expression on his face.
--Garance Franke-Ruta