The first GOP debate question is on economic risks to American national security. Rudy Giuliani talks about reducing corporate taxes, outlawing the estate tax, and encouraging federal bureaucrats to retire. Ron Paul says our dollar is being "destroyed" by our foreign policy. Tom Tancredo says we need energy independence, as does John McCain, who promises a Manhattan Project to become "oil independent" within five years. Fred Thompson says we need to spend less on entitlements and more on the military. Cutting Social Security "won't hurt anyone," he claims. Mitt Romney sounds like an automaton: "Our future is bright! ... This, again, is based upon the American people!" Mike Huckabee says the United States is in a trade deficit and needs to learn to "feed itself, fuel itself, fight for itself." Catchy. And by the way, Alan Keyes is here today. He says we need to abolish the income tax. Not clear how he thinks that would improve national security. --Dana Goldstein