Prof. Goose here. Dear Kleinians, you've been great.
I hope you've seen from my posts that the issue of petroleum's imminent peak of supply matters and will matter more and more to your lives over time.
I also hope you'll continue learning about this complex topic at the many news sources available (e.g.,,, or even come by The Oil Drum (and add us to your blogrolls, if you are so inclined...) and pull up a comment box sometime.
Truth be told, I had planned a couple more posts, but we're having blogger problemsover at the home base that need my attention. And, I still have myheadache to boot.
So, what I will prepare for you below the fold is a discussion of alternate energy sources and how they will likely not be enough to solve the problems of our dependence on petroleum and its wonderful energy density or EROEI (energy returned on energy invested).