Paul Waldman considers Robertson's Giuliani endorsement:
Pat Robertson’s endorsement of Rudy Giuliani last week was met with the predictable value-free political analysis to which we have grown so accustomed. This will certainly help Rudy’s attempt to win over evangelicals, we were told, and doesn’t it show how divided the religious right is over the presidential campaign? Yes indeed, another fascinating piece to add to the electoral puzzle, and kudos to Giuliani for snagging such a sought-after endorsement.Try to imagine what would have happened if Hillary Clinton had called a press conference to announce that she had secured the endorsement of Minister Louis Farrakhan. Reporters would be apoplectic with the shock of it. How could she do such a thing? What about all the crazy things Farrakhan has said? What about the anti-Semitism? Why would she want to be associated with such a man?Yet no reporters were willing to say that the man smiling next to Giuliani at that triumphant press conference is, quite simply, a raving lunatic.Read the rest (and comment) here.--The Editors