This article about the 14-year-old conservative pundit who parlayed a (genuinely eloquent and well-delivered!) three-minute speech at CPAC into a popular YouTube video and a friendship with Bill Bennett is a cute read. You get why the kid is doing what he's doing. And you get why the reporter thought it a fun story. But this quote from a CPAC spokesperson is deranged:

But as Lisa De Pasquale, director of CPAC, noted, he is still a kid.“He seems to at least have a historical perspective,” she said. “But at 13, there’s not a lot of life experience yet. But as he attends more conferences, he’ll have more ammunition and education, and see that there are more than black and white viewpoints.”
I just sat here staring at the screen for five minutes. I honestly can't think of a kicker that quite does justice to equating attendance at CPAC conferences with life experience.