The convention is packed with reporters, as you might imagine. This is a bad thing. You often hear press types complain about cutbacks and "doing more with less," but there are times when the news media would literally do a better job if there were fewer of them, and they had fewer pages and fewer hours to fill and a smaller campaign travel budget. Since there were thousands of them who needed to justify their Denver junket today, they all hyped up a couple dozen disgruntled Hillary supporters (meanwhile, the platform was adopted without a hitch). Four cameras trained on the stage would have been cheaper, and more informative and reflective of the actual events of the convention, than all the assembled reporters combined. And with the savings, they could have hired 200 news foreign correspondents. As it is, the concentration of journalists ended up distorting the news and giving viewers a wildly hyped understanding of the scene around the convention. Making them stay home and watch it on TV would've been better for everyone. Update: I should probably add that I think the coverage will change tomorrow. Today was a weird interim period between when the reporters came out and the convention began. They had nothing to talk about. Tomorrow they'll have convention stuff to talk about, and they'll eventually have Clinton's speech, which may create a "reconciliation" narrative around the convention. A lot of folks are freaking out about the focus of the coverage so far, but I wouldn't trip yet. Tonight and early tomorrow, the stories will be about Kennedy and, more so, Michelle Obama.