With all three Democratic front-runners describing themselves as "progressives," the Center for American Progress (full disclosure: I used to work there) is testing four television advertisements introducing voters to the term. I have a love-hate relationship with the word myself -- for one thing, I feel that feminism can be understood better when it is situated within (and as a response to) the long historical tradition of political liberalism, with its emphasis on individual rights and self-actualization. And Progressivism, as in the early-twentieth century movement, had a white populist tone on race, ethnicity, and immigration with which today's American center-left just shouldn't be comfortable. But in any case, these ads are, I think, pretty compelling. My favorite one is posted below, and you can see all four here. The one thing that's glaringly missing is an articulation of progressive foreign policy. Perhaps something along the lines of: "Progressives believe in strong diplomacy, and that human rights and national security go hand in hand. Progressives respect the American military, and take care of our veterans when they return home." What do you all think?
--Dana Goldstein