"Confession time," writes noted academic and Clinton supporter Stanley Fish. "I too have eaten dinner at Bill Ayers’s house (more than once), and have served with him on a committee, and he was one of those who recruited my wife and me at a reception when we were considering positions at the University of Illinois, Chicago. Moreover, I have had Bill and his wife Bernardine Dohrn to my apartment, was a guest lecturer in a course he taught and joined in a (successful) effort to persuade him to stay at UIC and say no to an offer from Harvard. Of course, I’m not running for anything, but I do write for The New York Times and, who knows, this association with former fugitive members of the Weathermen might be enough in the eyes of some to get me canned." Fish goes on to claim that he never helped Ayers build bombs or evade the law, but given that they not only met but lectured together, I think it's pretty clear that Stanley Fish, like Barack Obama, is a Manchurian Weatherman who's spent the last few decades working to better position himself for the eventual revolution.