Via Matt, the Video Professor is offering to help John McCain learn how to use a computer:
Pretty sweet. Meanwhile, McCain's confession that he soon hopes to be able to use a computer to access the internet all by himself really throws Gore's enthusiastic promotion of his own role in helping the internet into sharper relief, doesn't it? Gore may have been infelicitous in the phrasing of his comment (which was then substantially distorted to look even worse), but he truthfully revealed himself to have been decades ahead of the political system, and indeed the country, in understanding the single most transformative technology of our times. Eight years later -- eight years in which the internet only became more important, mind you -- McCain is admitting that he's decades behind the political system, and the country, in learning to use the interwebs. Yet McCain's admission is seen as sort of cute, in a doddering oh-Grandpa-Simpson sort of way, while Gore's comments apparently revealed him as unfit to be president.