Picking up on Tom's post below, since Huckabee won in Iowa and McCain may well prevail in New Hampshire, I've been wondering whether the Republicans will end up with a McCain-Huckabee ticket. In a way, it seems like a clever move: Huckabee looks like the only candidate who can consolidate the religious part of the base, whose numbers the GOP would need to have any shot at prevailing in November. His obvious foreign policy ignorance makes him a wide-open target at the top of the ticket, but as a running mate to McCain that would appear less worrisome, and he would bring along religious conservatives reluctant about McCain. A war hero and a pastor might just be the best combo the GOP can get out its fractured field. Think about the consequences, though, of a McCain-Huckabee presidency. McCain would focus on foreign policy and national security (i.e., keeping us in Iraq for 100 years) and Huckabee would be busy turning biblical conservatives into political appointees. There's a peril for the Republicans, though, in a McCain-Huckabee ticket: It would drive the anti-immigrant wing of the party absolutely bat**** crazy. --Sarah Posner