
This is one of the few houses in America not owned by John McCain or one of his holding companies.
Given the various numbers floating about, it might be useful to have a clear description of what we know McCain owns. This is trickier than it looks: The McCains have a variety of limited liability companies and family trusts (just like normal people!), including the Dream Catcher Family LLC, Wild River LLC, The Cindy Hensley McCain Trust, and the Marguerite Hensley Survivors Trust, which are all officially controlled by McCain’s wife and children. Someone should ask McCain if he knows how many holding companies he has. In any case, here, with a big assist from the Progressive Accountability Project, is what I've been able to figure out:• Phoenix, Arizona. McCain's primary residence is two condominiums in Phoenix, Arizona, which have been combined into one. The condos were purchased in 2006 for 4,666,814. The total size is between 6,000 and 7,000 square feet. Officially, they were sold to The Cindy Hensley McCain Family Trust. As a point of comparison, the median sale price for a condo in Phoenix in 2005 was $228,000. • Coronado, California.Coronado is a small island community off the coast of San Diego where the McCains own a $2,705,040 beachfront condo. In February 2008, they bought a second, $2.1 million condo, also in Coronado. Both sales were to Dream Catcher Family, one of the McCain family's holding companies.• Sedona, Arizona. The McCains own three condos in Arizona totaling about $1,103,615. According to reports, there are anywhere from four to six homes on these properties, but we're just going to go with three. Two of the properties are owned by the Cindy Hensley McCain Family Trust, and the final one is part of the Sedona Hidden Valley Limited Partnership.• La Jolla, California. This condo's a mere $1 million, and owned by the Hensley Survivors Trust.• Arlington, Virginia. The McCains, through the Cindy Hensley McCain Family Trust, own an $874,000 condo in Arlington. They also, through Wild River LLC, bought Meghan McCain a $700,000 loft in Arlington as a graduation present. There's also a motel in Arizona that's listed as a rental property which I'm not going to include here because it's on the market. I'm also going to collapse the two Phoenix condos into one. The Sedona holdings have a variety of homes on them and are split between different trusts, so I'm going to keep them searate. It's really no wonder McCain couldn't keep this straight. This leaves us with...drumroll please...9 properties totaling $13,823,269. Also, did you know John McCain was a prisoner of war?Update: Aerial views of all the homes, and more information on them, can be found here.Image used under a CC license from Atelier Tee.