Though I'd like to say that if you're only going to read one long article on John McCain's health care plan today, it should be mine, the honest truth is you probably already know how I feel about McCain's plan to destroy the health insurance market. Instead, you should probably read Jon Cohn's deep and reported examination of what McCain's plan would mean for those of us with preexisting conditions. In my piece, I note that the Health Savings Accounts that McCain wants to encourage are "the logical extension of the modern health coverage marketplace: They're health insurance for people who don't need health care." Cohn shows how true that is for the entirety of the bill. Put slightly differently, if you believe the measure of a health system is how humanely and compassionately it treats the sick, then McCain's plan is not the plan for you. If your metric, however, is how much money it can save the well, then you might be more interested in what he's selling.