From John McCain's twitter feed:
If we hadn't bailed out AIG = no bonuses for greedy execsAlso, the economy would have collapsed and millions would have been condemned to poverty and joblessness. Indeed, it's entirely possible that the resulting immiseration would have empowered radical redistributionists and we'd have actually executed the AIG Board of Directors instead! Much better!McCain's twitter feed has been an interesting post-election document. It's all soundbite populism that takes cheap shots at earmarks and bailouts. The AIG line is a good example: How to handle a company with hundreds of billions in liabilities whose collapse could fatally wound other companies with hundreds of billions in liabilities who in turn would take down more financial behemoths...it's not easy. You can disagree with the Obama administration's decision, but it's not a subject that rewards glibness. As Candidate McCain might have said, it's more a google that it is a twitter. But not for Senator McCain. It's like the end of his national ambitions has given him license to stop taking this stuff seriously.