It's not exactly shocking that none of John McCain's advisers agree on economics, as John McCain rarely agrees with John McCain on economics. Try asking him how he feels about tax cuts sometime, or exactly which entitlements need to be cut. McCain's new "no taxes" pledge has made some liberals I know nervous, but John McCain's popularity came during his "some new taxes, and definitely no more tax cuts" stance of 2000-2003. Indeed, the only reason his anti-taxes pledge is making news is that he's refused to take it for so many years, the same years in which his favorability ratings skyrocketed. So color me unimpressed. Actually, color me hopeful. McCain is listening to a guy named Peter Peterson who mainly seems interested in slashing entitlement spending. Kevin Hassett is one of the guys who wrote Dow 36,000 a year or two before the stock market crashed. McCain's other advisers have similarly unpopular/wacky views. The fact that he's picked a bunch of them who have a wide and conflicting array of wacky and unpopular views only makes this better for the Democrat.