MEME-KILLING. K, boys and girls, it's meme-killing time again.
1) Democrats Elected Themselves A Bunch Of Republicans Anyway. This one seems to land most heavily on Heath Shuler, whose win in NC, along with the massive thrashing endured by Lynn Swann in Pennsylvania, helped break the traditional GOP stranglehold on former NFL stars. Point The First -- it doesn't matter. None of the "social issues" are going to be coming out of a Rules Committee with Louise Slaughter and Jim McGovern in the majority anyway, and Shuler was right there with Sherrod Brown on the economic issues that actually will emerge. Hang in the pocket. Heath. And this notion really fails at the state level -- and, yes, that's going to be my tin drum for a few days, thank you -- because most of the various rookies are in no danger of drifting toward some sort of Republican center. It's been years since Shuler threw one to the wrong team.
2) Remember How George Bush Worked With Democrats In Texas. Holy mother of god, this hasn't been a legitimate Republican talking point since approximately October 31, 2000. The Florida recount? The first round of tax-cuts? Signing statements? Unitary executive power? Valerie Plame? Max Cleland? Does any of this stuff ring a bell? The electorate lined up, very specifically, to make him a lame duck. Give the people what they want.
3) Rahm Emanuel Is God. This one goes to Chuck Schumer, too. Be generous. Howard Dean was right about Iraq before you were, and he was right about a 50-state electoral strategy before you were. Please feel free to mention both of these facts when they come to blow sunshine up your ass today.
Telling Chris Matthews off would be a good start.
--Charles P. Pierce