WHY NOT MERGE WITH THE AEI AND BE DONE WITH IT? Matt points us to this remarkable panel at a think tank often described as "liberal." Not only does it seem to define Joe Biden as the leftmost acceptable opinion on the Iraq catastrophe, and is it chaired by Brookings scholar and the dead-ender's dead-ender Michael O'Hanlon, but if features Peter Hoekstra. Yes, that Peter Hoekstra: the guy who did a presser with Dead Senator Walking Rick Santorum -- in 2006! -- announcing that Iraq really did have scary, scary WMDs. The Peter Hoekstra who claimed that leaks about the administration's illegal activity may have been "penetrated" by "other nations or organizations." But whose opposition to links is highly selective! That Peter Hoekstra. Truly a credible voice on Iraq, well-situated to share his insights about how national security issues will affect the next election. --Scott Lemieux