Oh liberal media, when will you learn? The President, contrary to widely-held beliefs, is not to be deified at all costs. So -- and yes I'm looking at you Janet -- if you really must write an article titled "He's Not Walking Like a Lame Duck", this sort of lead doesn't quite capture the tone around here:
When President Bush first latched onto mountain biking as his favored form of exercise, he plowed over rough terrain with a distinctive technique: Even when he pedaled uphill, he refused to shift to a lower gear.
The message there, the unmistakable, grossly explicit, heavily delivered message, is that the president is a tough, no-nonsense, never-say-die kinda guy. It's a campaign commercial in a print paragraph. If you seek to continue receiving checks from the LA Times, you will have to stop writing like you are receiving checks from Karl Rove. You won't actually have to write like a progressive -- we like our liberal bias shockingly watered down around here -- but paeans to the president's facility in extreme sports just don't fly.
At least they wouldn't if we actually existed.