Gordon Smith is currently explaining how his mother used to spank him, but that she loved him anyway. This, he thinks, is akin to our current standing in the world.
Foreign policy is weird.
Update: More substantive Smith blogging here. I really don't see what CAP and TCF are hoping to accomplish with his presence. He just ended his remarks by saying "the media has anxiously been reporting a split in the Bush administration on how to deal with Iran." Smith went on to first agree with Rice's focus on diplomacy, and then he chopped the podium and demanded that no options be taken off the table. So he's in line with both the hawks and the semi-hawks, neither of whom, as I understand it, CAP or TCF support. Someone suggested to me that Smith's presence has to do with CAP's tax status, which is easier preserved if they show some bipartisanship. That, at least, makes some amount of sense in explaining his presence, given that his actual speech undercut the vision offered in the rest of the meeting.