Ever watched a parent explain math to a child? "Imagine Johnny has three power rangers, but you only have one power ranger..." That's sort of the tactic "The American Issues Project" is taking in its attempt to attack the stimulus. Except instead of power ranger, sub in the Baby Jesus himself. "Suppose you spent $1 million every single day starting from the day Jesus was born — and kept spending through today,” says the announcer over a diorama picture of the three wise men and a camel. “A million dollars a day for more than 2,000 years. You would still have spent less money than Congress just did.” Call it Jesus-nomics. But I'm still confused. Can you please phrase your answer in the form of anti-semitism? Seconds after the Son's unexpected cameo (think he's SAG-registered?) the ad plays a final clip of Chuck "Jew" Schumer scheming to take your money nasally explaining the bill while gesticulating wildly. Classy stuff.