Think Progress tells us that Michele Bachmann doesn't think people should ask her questions about whether her husband's "Christian therapy" business performs "reparative therapy" to de-gay-ify its clients:
The problem is that this business is something she herself touts as part of her qualifications for being president. She is constantly referring to herself as a "business owner" or a "small businessperson" to explain that she understands how the economy works. I happen to think this is a ridiculous argument -- owning a hardware store doesn't qualify you to set national economic policy any more than a kid who's just out of basic training in the Army should be the next secretary of defense -- but it's one she makes a lot. And if you're going to do that, you can't say that nobody has a right to ask you about what goes on in this business, the one that supposedly gives you such deep and critical knowledge.
That being said, I don't think it matters all that much whether Marcus Bachmann is actively pushing his gay patients into reparative therapy or only giving it to them if they ask for it (that seems to be the nature of the dispute). Michele Bachmann's views on sexuality are retrograde and abhorrent enough on their own terms for any voter to make a judgment about her, no matter what goes on behind the doors of Bachmann & Associates.