A new batch of state-by-state general election polls is trickling out of SurveyUSA. Since SUSA doesn't have all this stuff on one page, I've linked to a really pretty MyDD diary charting the way that Edwards, Obama, and Hillary run against Thompson, Giuliani, and Romney in Ohio, Kansas, Kentucky, and Alabama. To summarize, John Edwards runs better than any other Democrat against every Republican in every state sampled (except that he and Clinton both trail Giuliani in Ohio by 1). And while lots of those states aren't ones that we'll need in a general election, most of them have Senate races where it might help to be strong at the top of the ticket. Now Missouri numbers have come out, and I've posted them below. Democratic victory is blue, Republican victory is red.
So there he goes again, outperforming all other Democrats and blowing Romney away. Is it the accent? The policy positions? The fact that low-information voters think he's a moderate? The fact that he'll be the first candidate interviewed on MTV this cycle? (Well, probably not that.)