MLK. Shouldn�t a liberal magazine�s Web site note that today is the anniversary of the assassination of Martin Luther King? There, I�ve done it.
I was seven years old, and I have a very clear memory of my parents howling in pain upon hearing the news. If you�ve never been to the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, where it happened -- it�s now the National Civil Rights Museum -- then get yourself down, or up, there (I see that it�s been expanded since I visited). It�s moving and even chilling. The walking tour through the museum concludes in the hallway outside the room King was staying in. You can look into the room through plexiglass, walk out on to the balcony and stand where he stood, and see the rooftop where James Earl Ray was standing. I see from this Wikipedia entry that Ray had fled the country and was apprehended at Heathrow Airport, interestingly enough, on June 8, 1968 -- two days after Bobby Kennedy was killed.
Don�t trust aging lefties who tell you �68 was a good year because they really shook the system.
--Michael Tomasky