I just don't really understand the significance of this post from Ben Smith on whether or not black people no longer like Donald Trump because of his birtherism:
Trump's shows boast a solid African-American viewership and black cast members [and a recent NBC/WSJ poll found, according to NBC's Domenico Montenaro, that the among the groups that views him most positively is African-Americans], some of whom he's likely alienating. "As a people, we celebrated his business acumen; purchased his books and anything else with the Trump name we could get our hands on," Goldie Taylor wrote on The Grio. "Now among African-Americans, the once gilded Trump brand is about as worthless as a plug nickel."
When was a Republican nominee, Trump or non-Trump, birther or non-birther, going to have a chance at siphoning off the black vote against a Democratic nominee, let alone Barack Obama? Democratic presidents have gotten between 80 percent and 90 percent of the black vote since Richard Nixon. Trump's odd prominence among Republicans in national polls at the moment is a rather ugly reflection of the party's racial and political views, but this far out, it's not really an accurate gauge of his actual chances of winning the nomination.
Also, really, "as a people"? Since when?