THE MORNING-AFTER PILL CONSPIRACY.The Center for Reproductive Rights and the activists at the MAP Conspiracy are well aware that the fight over Plan B access isn't over, and they're trucking right along with their lawsuit against the FDA for its decision to ignore the science and deny Plan B over-the-counter to teens. A New York judge recently agreed to allow the Center to subpoena White House officials and question them about their involvement in the FDA's three-year delay. (Predictably, the Justice Department is fighting the subpoena.) Depositions in this case have already revealed some details about the Bush administration's meddling. As far back as 2003, then-FDA commissioner Mark McClellan agreed to an unprecedented meeting with a White House domestic policy adviser to discuss the Plan B application. And Dr. Janet Woodcock (who also warned that Plan B would create teen sex cults) came right out and said Plan B shouldn't be sold over-the-counter to teens -- not because of the science but "to appease the administration's constituents." And that information is just from depositions of FDA officials. Just imagine what will emerge if the Center for Reproductive Rights gets a peek at White House officials' Plan B-related email and correspondence. --Ann Friedman