The best convention coverage here at the Prospect and elsewhere:
- Michael O'Hare really liked Hillary's speech last night. Steve Benen says she "stole the show." Ezra Klein also thought the speech was effective, but Michael Crowley says differently.
- How good was Dennis Kucinich last night? "Wake Up America!"
- Matthew Yglesias notes that conservatives are pretty absent when it comes to real feminist issues, like the Lilly Ledbetter Act, and when Ledbetter actually spoke yesterday, Jonah Goldberg called her "Tootsie with a Southern accent." It's a good thing Republicans are such non-elitists.
- Pam Spaulding blogs about the way bloggers and "traditional" media are being treated differently during the convention.
- Dana Goldstein writes about Michelle Obama's appearance at the EMILY's List event, which was considerably different from her Monday night speech. I write about Michelle's night here, Ezra responds here.
- Like me, Jesse Taylor wonders why, given the number of apologies Obama has had to issue on behalf of rappers, McCain isn't getting more criticism for embracing Daddy Yankee, and whether the alternative-energy starved United States will ever develop Nubian Cold Fusion. Marc Ambinder adds that apparently DY was shot during an altercation for which he picked up an assault charge. But it's okay because Ludacris wants to eat your babies and McCain was a POW.
- Thomas Schaller walks among the Blue Dogs.
- I've got an article on the extra burdens Michelle Obama has to bear as a black woman in America.
- I'm with Jonathan Stein on last night's speakers. Mark Warner should have spent less of his speech running for that Senate seat.
- According to Gina McCauley, Gov. Paterson's entourage was a little rowdy.
- Dana talks to Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown about green-collar jobs.
- In discussing Obama and McCain's tax plans, CNN lists only the top 5 percent of income earners. When asked why, Wolf Blitzer reportedly shrugged his shoulders and said, "Just keeping it real homie, just keeping it real." (Note: By "reportedly" I mean that didn't actually happen.)
- Also, read our latest Party People Q&A here (where you'll also find links to earlier installments) and follow us on twitter and flickr.
--A. Serwer