I can believe that Bill Kristol is reviving PNAC as an outpost for neoconservatives in exile. PNAC would also serve as a laboratory for developing narratives about the "success" of neoconservatism during the Bush administration, and accounts of how Bush failed because he wasn't neoconservative enough. I'd be surprised, however, if the neoconservative cabal really decided to link its fortunes to Sarah Palin. The defense of Sarah Palin that Kristol and his lackeys have launched is better interpreted as a rearguard action designed to protect Kristol's reputation, and by extension the reputation of his circle. If Palin is blamed for McCain's defeat, then the folks who found Palin (Kristol, among others) earn a share of the responsibility. If the McCain defeat can be explained through other means, the neoconservatives avoid trouble. Palin can be disposed of at a later time.
--Robert Farley