The DNC has come out with its proposed changes to the primary schedule: Nevada will be the second caucus state, right after Iowa. South Carolina will be the second primary state, right after New Hampshire. So the first four primaries run IA-NV-NH-SC. It's still to be seen how the bizarre New Hampshire law that prevents any state from holding a primary before NH will play into this, but I have faith in the DNC's ability to keep the Granite Staters under control.
If you're John Edwards, you're looking at a state where you're leading in the polls, a state where the hotel workers' union loves you and is going to deliver you a win, a state that rubber-stamped the preceding primaries in 2004, and your home state that you carried by a large margin last time. Advice that Edwards needs to shake up the race with bold gambles has passed its expiration date in a matter of hours. The only bet I'm recommending at this point is Edwards 2008.