Based on my scientific sample of this morning, McCain is going to win New Hampshire with approximately 98 percent of the vote (I did see one John Edwards sign). The above picture is a couple blocks from my hotel, and it was taken at about 8am, in 20-some degree weather. Which is to say, those sign-holders are dedicated. Some of those guys (a bunch aren't in the picture) are volunteers who flew in from other states. One is a native of Jacksonville, Florida; another a former state senator from Vermont. But others of their number are local, including a very sweet guy named David MacLaughlin, who's a Ward Alderman here in New Hampshire. And the admiration for their candidate is real. Indeed, they seemed almost uninterested in the rest of the race. They didn't want to bash other candidates, weren't really sure who they'd vote for if McCain dropped out, thought Barack Obama seemed like a good guy with real potential, and generally had weak views on the non-McCain elements of the campaign. But there they were, from 7:30am on, standing on a snowbank, not to beat the other candidates, but to elect a guy they unanimously spoke of with an affectionate awe bordering on love. McCain, for his part, remains in Iowa, trying to battle out a better-than-expected finish. He's being represented in New Hampshire today by Joe Lieberman (who one of the volunteers described as a "moderate Republican"). The McCain folks invited me to a coffee klatch with Joe for later tonight, and even drew me a helpful map to get me there:
Should be interesting.