A couple of thoughts on Obama’s Senate seat:
- Dick Durbin is right that the state legislature should immediately pass a bill abolishing the governor’s right to appoint a new Senator and replacing it with a special-election process. It works for House seats everywhere and Senate seats in some other states. It would prevent Blagojevich-style shenanigans (and more prosaic political horse-trading) and simply be a more democratic and transparent process—something Illinois very much needs.
- If Blagojevich’s successor, Lt. Gov. Pat Quinn (who is not implicated in Blagojevich’s scandals), appoints a replacement, he should pick someone who is above reproach, will promise not to run in 2010, and is not part of the state's political establishment -- someone who owes no one any favors and has no need to earn any goodwill with politicians in the state. No obvious candidates come to mind, but I’m sure there must be someone in Illinois who fits the bill.
- Sens. Harry Reid and Mitch McConnell should jointly announce that the Senate will refuse to seat anyone appointed by Blagojevich. If the governor refuses to resign, it will take some time for the legislature to impeach him — time he could use to appoint a replacement. If the Senate makes clear they will not allow it, it could hasten the necessary transfer of power in the state.
—Sam Boyd