And DeLay's Repentance-palooza continues:
"Just think of what we could accomplish if we checked our pride at the door, if collectively we all spent less time taking credit and more time deserving it," DeLay told the 54th annual National Day of Prayer gathering on Capitol Hill. "If we spent less time ducking responsibility and more time welcoming it. If we spent less time on our soapboxes and more time on our knees."
DeLay drew appreciative smiles when he added, "For in God, all things are possible, ladies and gentlemen. And even greatness from lowly sinners like you and me -- especially me."
Indeed it's true, greatness is quite possible from lowly sinners who trust in God. Whether your sin is a few decades of unethical politicking or a lifetime of drink and drugs, redemption can be found in The Lord. But what Tom's doing here is a bit different, he's finding redemption in The Leader. By making his wholesale invention and embrace of DeLayism into an issue of sin, he's tightly wrapping himself to Bush's resurrection tale, and in doing tangling the President's hopes of ever getting away. After all, the Christian Right sure accepted Bush despite his past, how do you think they'd feel if their Christian head of state denied Christ's teachings and declined to show forgiveness to an admitted, repentant, sinner like DeLay? Particularly one who'd been such a good friend to the Christ movement?
They wouldn't like it at all, I expect. Not at all.