Brian catches Mitt Romney misusing null set at other times, as well, which doesn't much bother me. What does bother me is that it's wrapping the term in the same thin tissue of lies and distortions about the war. Say it with me: The weapons inspectors were in Iraq. That's how you know the name Hans Blix. Anyone basing their support for the war off a belief that Saddam Hussein barred the inspectors from his country is protecting an opinion built atop a lie. As Brian says, Romney's consistently voiced belief that "if [Hussein] had complied with the United Nations resolutions to allow IAEA inspectors into his country, we wouldn't be having this conversation," means he's "in a constant state of either denial, ignorance, or deception," about the most critical foreign policy issue of our time. It mean,s in other words, that he's utterly unfit to be president.