Chuck Todd of the National Journal seems to agree with Ezra about the 3-way race being good for our CT House candidates. All three Republican incumbents are now being rated as more likely to lose their seats.
With Lieberman sporting a 53-41 lead, this race is going to be a lot tougher for Lamont than I thought it'd be. To close this gap, Lamont will have to do things that appeal to independents and liberal Republicans. He's been talking about the deficit a lot recently, and we need more of that -- it's the sort of high-minded centrism that should work with CT independents, it plays up his solid-businessman side, and it counteracts any perceptions of him as a dirty liberal hippie. I'd like to see him come up with a list of "Ten Ways to Cut Spending" or something like that. Most of them could be corporate welfare of some kind.
If you want some video of Edwards and Lamont on Thursday, Michele Bair has the goods! I'm real happy about how this turned out.