Nestled in this New York Times piece on how divided Republican primary voters are on the candidates is this gem:
The poll found that just 1 percent said they might be swayed by the involvement of Oprah Winfrey, who has been campaigning for Mr. Obama in Iowa, South Carolina and New Hampshire the last three days, drawing huge crowds and allowing his campaign to identify new supporters.
Of course only 1 percent said they might be swayed. Who admits to making their political decisions based on Oprah's guidance? Her power here is exposure, headlines, name recognition, and the more subtle influences of power and fame. And she's certainly getting him that. Their sold out appearances and the efficacy of her endorsement have been much-discussed in the news media. So even if people don't think she's having an effect, the fact that it's even being talked about helps Obama's campaign.
--Kate Sheppard