Since I've done my fair share of criticizing Obama for his failure to nominate judges to circuit and district courts, I should probably take the time to give credit for when he offers a nomination, and a good one at that:
U.S. District Judge Bernice B. Donald of Memphis has been nominated by President Barack Obama to the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals in Cincinnati. "Judge Donald has shown an outstanding commitment to public service throughout her career and as a district judge in Tennessee," Obama said. "I am proud to nominate her ... for a seat on the United States Court of Appeals and I am confident she will serve the American people with distinction."
Jill Fillopovic passes on the kind words of a former clerk:
Diane Lucas, who is an attorney in New York and an occasional Feministe guest-blogger, clerked for Judge Donald and sent me this story, with the comment that “Judge Donald is an amazing judge who truly is bringing justice in our federal courts. She has been a staunch advocate for the rights of women and people of color, and I am so happy she is ‘moving on up’.”
Even better, this continues Obama's laudable trend of appointing women and minorities to the lower courts. Of course, now the real question is whether the Senate will confirm her or whether Republican radicals will use the 112th Congress as an excuse to keep the federal judiciary understaffed and overworked.
-- Jamelle Bouie