Jon Chait says most of what needs to be said with respect to billionaire Clinton fundraiser and esteemed upper-class party-giver Lynn Forrester de Rothschild's latest assertions in the highly populist Wall Street Journal op-ed pages that Obama lacks the populist touch of her fellow plutocrat John McCain. And since it's a common argument, it's also worth commenting on Forrester de Rothschild's assertion that "Mr. Obama is not connecting to...women voters of all classes." However poorly he's faring among the "hack Clinton fundraisers who use $100 bills for napkins" class, among women in general Obama is actually faring very well; in a women-only election Obama would win in a landslide. Forrester de Rothschild's vacuous condescension aside, apparently a majority of women prefer to vote on policy rather than on the idiotic personality analysis she projects onto other women.
--Scott Lemieux