OH, DICK! The latest edition in Stephen Hayes' continuing "Dick Cheney is a Handsome Man Who Impresses Me" series is fun. Hayes has, at this point, dropped just about any pretense that he's making the case for Cheney's policies rather than personality. So we get a lot of breathless "Mr. Cheney has not moved on. He still awakens each day asking the same questions he asked on Sept. 12, 2001," and "He was aggressive in those first moments of the war on terror and has been ever since." Reading the piece, you'd think the War on Terror required a personality type, rather than a strategy. Which is, in a sense, what the Republicans, at this point, are banking on. Because for all Cheney's marvelous seriousness, the terror attacks that so terrify him have only increased under his watch -- and as a result of his policies. --Ezra Klein