First, there was the article on the "afterbirthers" demanding to see Obama's placenta. Now, we have an Onion segment discussing whether or not using a minotaur to gore detainees is, in fact, torture. Obviously there are two sides to the question.
Is Using A Minotaur To Gore Detainees A Form Of Torture?
"Forcing prisoners to wander in an infinite labyrinth living in fear of being torn limb from limb by the minotaur may be harsh now, but you have to remember what it was like after 9/11."
Note that while all the other guests are from fake organizations, the woman who says the "minotaur kept us safe" is simply a "columnist for National Review Online."
UPDATE: Screenshot:

UPDATE II: I mean, if you're Andy McCarthy, I suppose you have to be kind of flattered, right?
-- A. Serwer