Pelosi's donning of culturally appropriate apparel for a mosque visit is being painted as anti-feminist. This leads Matt to wonder whether "any actual examples of Reynolds taking a feminist stance on anything for any reason other than to find a pretext for attacking liberals?" Yes. Reynolds, along with so many others on the right, takes feminist stances to attack Islam.
Indeed, there's little as repellent as the right's opportunistic appropriation of feminism in support of foreign aggression. Post-9/11, the Taliban's misogyny became a high profile concern among Republicans, head scarves and and burkas became instantly offensive to the very movement that tended to lament bikinis and immodest adolescent fashions, and, in general, every example of Islamic sexism became another example in the brief against the East, even as these very same folks were hinting that Nancy Pelosi is a shrew and calling Hillary Clinton a bitch. And I'm rather sure that if you looked into it, the rightwing blogosphere has spent a lot more time attacking Pelosi's headscarf for its anti-feminist implications than lauding the historic elevation of a woman to Speaker of the House.