This is the sort of thing that unsettles progressives about TNR. Mike Crowley's in a huff today because some DailyKos diarist parodied the removal of Saddam Hussein's statue by showing one of Lieberman taking a tumble. "I don't think you have to be a Joe apologist," he writes, "to find this pretty deplorable." Fair enough. What's weird, though, is that the RNC -- not some random Kos diarist -- put up a shot smearing Ned Lamont by putting him near Howard Dean who, it turned out, had a little Hitler mustache stenciled onto his lip. That picture was also pasted on the front page of DailyKos, but it's only the anti-Joe stuff that elicited outrage. As it is, I don't think you need to be much of a liberal to find that officially-sanctioned Nazi smear worse than a diarist's tasteless photoshopping.