Ricky West is usually one of the good guys. Republican, but one of the good guys. So what's he talking about here?
“I don't hate America, I hate what the right-wing/Bush has done to America” – two words: Shut. Up. If you hate what your political opponents have done to America, then that means that there are things about America that you hate, which opens up the floodgates for the item above. And no mamby-pamby stuff like saying that because of the Bush tax-cut there would be an increase in “poverty” or “homelessness” qualify…we’re all against bad things. If you hate the policies of the United States, then I suggest that you discuss the issues with your intellectual brothers in arms, Al Qaeda.
Huh? I hate that our government tried to interfere in the Schiavo case because a bunch of religious extremists pull their strings, I hate that we're trying to change the constitution to ensure gays can't codify their relationships the same way everyone else can, I hate that we're picking our noses while global warming gets worse, I hate that we're scratching our asses while Sudanese civilians die...Yes, I hate many, many things about our country. And this makes me brothers in arms with Al Qaeda?