Jon Stewart takes on New York Republican gubernatorial candidate Carl Paladino:
So I used to think Paladino's animus toward gays and Muslims was ideological, but after reflecting on his revulsion toward the gay-pride parade on Good Morning America, I don't think it is. This is what he said:
"Now, Andrew Cuomo said he took his children to a gay pride parade. I was at one in Toronto one time, we stumbled on it, my wife and I. It wasn’t pretty. It was a bunch of very extreme type people in bikini-type outfits grabbing at each other and doing these gyrations and I certainly wouldn’t let my young children see that.”
As M.S. at Democracy in America points out, rather than "brainwashing," teaching children to accept gay people as human beings is called "teaching children decent values."
In any case, Paladino is the kind of guy who sends pornographic and bestiality videos to his pals, but he's disgusted by men touching each other. His response to criticism over an extramarital affair and having a child out of wedlock was to simply to reverse the charge and direct it at his opponent (I know you are but what am I?). When he was angry with a reporter, he threatened to "take him out." His approach to negative campaigning is to taunt his opponent with Italian-American stereotypes he knows he's sensitive to. And while buying a three-minute ad in which he attempts to refocus the campaign onto real issues, he can't help but offer a sarcastic comment about his opponent's "prowess."
The New York GOP basically nominated a man with the emotional maturity of 12-year-old boy for governor. Seems appropriate for a political movement that views a return to Clinton-era tax rates as a tyranny.
UPDATE: Somehow I put up the wrong video. Thanks to Tim for pointing that out.