I'm probably going to lose all my readers if I don't talk about the election a bit, so hey: Anyone else notice the total collapse in Sarah Palin's polling? Sullivan even has a graph:
Yikes. And this finding is robust across different pollsters. She's dropped in the CBS poll. It's in the Diageo-Hotline poll. As Andrew Romano concludes, "All in all, she'd gone from the most to least popular White House hopeful over the course of five short days."Markos has a good take on this, which recalls the week or so of self-flagellation and existential terror Democrats endured as their criticisms bounced off and Palin seemed a dominant force in the election. The McCain campaign engineered a backlash, and Democrats seemed totally certain that they'd stepped in it again. A week later, Palin looks like more of a liability than an asset, at least if we're talking outside the Republican base. But I wouldn't read too much into this as a tactical victory: Palin has collapsed for fairly predictable reasons: It really is the case that she's grossly inexperienced and unsuited to this moment. If she had to sit down for a 30-minute interview on the financial crisis, there's no one who doubts it would be a catastrophe. Democrats highlighted that fact, but it's not as if it was a brilliant attack they made up. If Palin continues to bottom out, it will, more than anything, suggest that sometimes, even in politics, the reality of a situation eventually overwhelms the spin.