Jewish comedian Jackie Mason, on behalf of the Republican Jewish Coalition, is trying to save his career striking back at Sarah Silverman for having made a pro-Obama video that implies older Jews might not vote for Obama for racial reasons. I've always thought this problem, if it exists, to be more of an older white folks thing than a problem confined to Jews, but either way, this is Mason's retort:
Who ever said they had thoughts of bigotry in their mind? But they try to convince you that just because he accomplished nothing that's not the reason you're not voting for him, you're not voting for him because you're a bigot. The fact he accomplished nothing is the reason you're not voting for him.
Of course, Jackie Mason is probably not the comedian to argue that bigotry won't have an impact on people's decision to vote against Obama. I'm reminded of a classic Jackie Mason joke:
"Are there any Puerto Ricans in the room?"Obviously, if everyone were really open about their racial opinions, no one would think that joke was funny, least of all Jackie Mason. Of course, none of this matters that much, since your bubbie won't be deciding the election anyway."Good. Let's tell the TRUTH!"
--A. Serwer