Josh Marshall says:
Okay, so Pat Robertson now says he's sorry for calling for the assassination of Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez. But sometimes when a child keeps acting out and we find that the parents have continued to indulge the misbehavior rather asserting some discipline or control, we rightly conclude that the real fault lies with the parents rather than with the child.
Calling Dr. Dobson:
The most common error is inconsistent discipline. According to Dr. Dobson, if the rules change every day or if there isn't an inevitable consequence to be anticipated for wrong actions, then a child might see if he can “beat the system.”
The key to effective discipline is knowing your child. Some kids can be brought to tears with a stern look, while others seem to require strong disciplinary measures to make a vivid impression. “It is possible for twice the amount of punishment to yield half of the results,” Dr. Dobson says.