Relatively few people know this, but before Tucker Carlson was a pretty bad television host, he was a pretty good political writer. It's his profile of George W. Bush, for instance, that publicized the story of Bush mocking the mercy pleas of Karla Faye Tucker, and who first explained what a boldfaced, unashamed liar Karen Hughes was ("It almost crosses over from bravado into mental illness."). All of which is a way of setting up this link to his profile of Ron Paul, which I think gets a lot of things right about the about the warm shelter Paul's campaign offers to the politically homeless. It also focuses a bit more tightly on what the candidate appears to focus on in his own speeches, which is Austrian economics. And, frankly, it's funny, complete with strippers. So give it a read. I've got some longer thoughts on Ron Paul coming a bit later in the day.