By Pepper of the Daily Pepper
Why is it that, when right-wing bloggers are unhappy with the behavior of liberals, they immediately blame celebrities? James Lileks, he of the Screedblog, the Bleat, and the Backfence, chides all the celebrities whose names have been linked to World Can't Wait antiwar protests.
Lileks compares their antiwar protest to the stirrings of the French Revolution, which he feels understands perfectly because he read A Tale of Two Cities in high school, and, like everyone else, he just hated Madame Defarge. A Defarge-esque protester whose sign suggests Bush deserves the guillotine deeply offends Lileks. (I followed his link but couldn't find the image that made him so angry.) Instead of wagging his finger at the protester for waving around an image of "dead-king porn," he blames the celebs who endorsed the rally: