Galrahn at Information Dissemination details two more pirate attacks off the coast of Somalia. In one, a group of pirates seized a Spanish fishing boat and its crew of twenty-six. In the second, pirates attacked an empty 150000 ton (about 1.5 times the size of a US supercarrier) oil tanker with machine guns and rocket propelled grenades. In the latter case, the German frigate Emden chased the pirates away. The Spanish are sending their own frigate to the area, but as Galrahn notes the hostage situation will probably be resolved by the paying of a substantial ransom. The Spanish, like the French, could crush the particular pirates involved, but as long as naval force remains relatively scarce in the area and Somalia remains a failed state, these kinds of attacks will continue. The oil tanker attack is mildly distressing; what were they planning to do with it if they had seized it? --Robert Farley