I think Roger Cohen's decision to start a column with Coldpay lyrics effectively catapults that band right over the shark pit. Sorry guys. That said, Cohen's basic point is a good one: It would be nice if the nation's Ivy League graduates would stop wasting their talents and educations trying to dam the ocean of wealth that laps at Manhattan. Hell, even law school, which at least allows people to maintain the fiction of a social conscience, is a better bet. But people need an option they think worth pursuing. And it's clear from Cohen's column -- he starts talking about the Works Progress Administration, which wasn't exactly meant to address the concerns of Ivy Leaguers -- that no obvious profession presents itself. But if the financial sector is in ruins and the capitol is crackling with the job opportunities that follow a new party taking control of the executive branch, my hunch is that a lot of young graduates who would've been flowing into Wall Street are going to be driving up real estate prices in Washington.