I'm Suzy Khimm, and I'm delighted to be guest-blogging here this week. Before I dive into the wonderful world of wonkery, a bit more about me: I currently work at The New Republic, where I spend much of my time reporting on Congress, particularly the ins and outs of health-care reform. You'll find a lot of my recent writing on The Treatment, TNR's health-care blog, where I'm lucky enough to work with TAP alum Jonathan Cohn. I've also written profiles of some of the key players behind the scenes and on the campaign trail, explaining the reasoning behind Ben Nelson's political heresies, the origin of Chris Dodd's woeful re-election prospects, and the downfall of the last New England Republican in the House.
Before coming to D.C., I was working in Cambodia as a freelance writer and editor at the English-language Cambodia Daily. Before that, I was based in Brazil, writing about human-rights issues and teaching in a women's prison. At heart, I'm interested in how the personalities and power struggles up above shape the social policies that affect the rest of us. What does that mean in Washington this week? I look forward to finding out. And for those of you itching for real-time updates, one more plug: You can follow me on Twitter, too.
--Suzy Khimm